April 12th – Community Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Register Here to sign your child up today!*

Children of all ages are invited join us on April 12th 10am-12pm at our Plaistow campus as we host this fun and seasonal event to celebrate Easter! We’re excited to host this event in Plaistow this year and hope to see a great turnout!

*Registration is encouraged for planning purposes only. In the event we have rain, the event will be held inside the church.

Easter egg filler Donations

We are in need of lots of small-sized items and candy to fill eggs!! If you would like to donate, items can be dropped off Sunday mornings in Sandown from 8-10am and at our Plaistow Campus 90 Newton Road in Plaistow 8:45-12pm.

April 13th - Palm Sunday

April 17th - Maundy Thursday

April 18th – Good Friday

April 20th – Easter Sunday

May 17 – Blessing of the bikes