Music is at the very heart of worship.  At Rock Church Ministry, from choirs, worship leaders and praise teams, we share the best of contemporary worship music.   However, we still have a love and appreciation for some of the classic hymns of our faith, which we often use in contemporary arrangements.  In so doing, we are able to bring together rich theology that engages the mind with powerful musical arrangement that engages the heart.   If you enjoy singing or play a musical instrument, there are numerous opportunities to share your gifts as a part of our music ministry.  There are also opportunities for people in the areas of sound mixing, computer and lighting for those who have an interest and passion for the tech side of music and worship. 

Rock Church Music Ministry

Are you looking for an area to serve?

Music ministry includes the following areas of service: instrumentalists, vocalists, choir members, audio technology, and visual technology. If you are interested in any of these areas of serving, please begin by filling out the form below.