Hi friends, What a another great weekend! On Saturday we had two events in our building and one outside our walls. We hosted 20 or so local pastors including some of our own for our continued Local Pastor Course of Study Program where we learn and discuss foundations of our faith and how best to reach and disciple people. At the same time, one of our Rock Church children's leader Chrissy Rupp led us through the amazing teachings and truth of the Empowered Parenting workshop. We believe this will be an amazing foundation for families in our communities to flip them upside right and begin healing them. We learned how to assess our children and our parenting styles to understand how best to connect with our children and lead our families well. Our Youth Director, Sheri Williams organized a group of volunteers to join Plaistow citizens for an Earth day clean our town initiative organized by the Plaistow Recreation Commission. Thank you all for the many blessing this weekend!
On Sunday, we began our new sermon series, 1❤️&Mind, talking about what it means to live as the family of God. If you were able to be with us or would like to enjoy the worship and/or review Pastor Steve's message again please go to our Teaching sermons by clicking http://www.rock-church.org/sermon-series/
As you may know, many of our friends and neighbors (including most of my family, Rachel, Julia, Bella & Elijah) and our Timberlane Regional High School Marching Band, Choir & Orchestra performed @ Disney World to kick off NH April vacation week. My Daughter Bella and the TRHS Orchestra played on Sunday afternoon @ Disney Springs. on Monday Morning Elijah carried his bass drum as the TRHS marching band came right down Main Street USA in the Magic Kingdom. Plaistow and our other Timberlane towns were made proud by their school's teachers, parents and students working together to share & bless other vacationers with many great performances.
Lastly, I want to lift up the upcoming Spring Concerts on May 6th and 7th at our Plaistow campus featuring the Rock Church Ministries’ Worship Leading Choir. If you haven’t been to one of our choir concerts before, they are always uplifting and powerful events that you don’t want to miss. These concerts are also great events to invite a friend to, so grab some invitation cards this Sunday and pass them out to friends or leave them in a local coffee shop or eatery. You never know what impact an invitation may have on someone’s life!
Also we will need a few hands to help set up the platform for the concert right after the 11:11 service. So if you can help out please stick around, as many hands make light work. Thank you!
Pastor Jon (PJ)