Happy first day of summer! What a beautiful day today and what a great weekend to be able to be with you all in Plaistow last Sunday. As we talked about in this week's message, Abram (soon to be Abraham) did not know where God was going to lead him but he followed anyway. God is leading all of us into new pastures and amazing adventures. Here's the thing, we must be able to say Yes I'll go, send me. So please join me in being able to say yes to be FOR Our Community and let's find places and people to connect & bless in our neighborhoods, workplaces, social circles and towns. Be intentionally bold in being friendly and do random acts of kindness as God leads you.
On Saturday, we had many volunteers come out and serve in the great opportunity to kick off our movement at Plaistow old home day. It was spectacular! We connected & blessed a few hundred families at our booth with water, coffee freeze pops, punch balloons and even Henna tattoos. Also, Nicole Murray drove the Barrel train full of children (& Kurt) in the parade and won third prize! The best though was that some of the families we met were in service with us on Sunday... God is good!
The next opportunity is tomorrow Thursday, June 22nd, at the Block Party in front of our Amesbury Campus. This is a perfect chance for us to again reach out to our community, give away water, coffee and freeze pops etc and entertain the kids with a bouncy house as well. We’ve heard from many of you that you’ll be there to get the word out with us, but there’s always room for more. So come on down from 5-8pm and get in on the party!
Then Saturday, June 24th is our 2nd Annual Rock Church Missions Golf Tournament. Our 5th Honduras mission trip is less than a month away and this is our biggest missions fundraiser of the year. We are still looking for golfers, hole sponsors and volunteers so there is something for everyone! The Honduras Mission Team will have a table set up and we’ll be selling some authentic Honduran goods and our new mission team shirts. We’d love to see you there!
Lunch, Fun and Raising? Yes!