I took some time away last week. It was an opportunity to get some rest and renewal before we launch into a very busy season in the life of Rock Church. But it was also a wonderful time for prayer and spiritual reflection, a time to seek God’s continued vision for our church. I am more convinced than ever that God has great things in store for us in the days ahead. On Sunday, November 18th I will be sharing with you a vision of where I believe God is leading us. I will speak live, or by video, at every location that Sunday morning.
Prior to the November 18th message, we will be hosting vision gatherings. The first two will be this Sunday, November 11th at noon in Amesbury and at 4:30 pm in Plaistow, then on Monday November 12th at 7:00 pm in Sandown. These gatherings, open to all, will be an opportunity to hear some of the background on what will be shared November 18th. It will also be a time for questions and conversation. The content will be the same for all three gatherings. So if you would like to participate in one of these, you are welcome to attend whichever of the three works best for your schedule.
I also want to remind you of a couple of other big things coming up. This Sunday, November 11th is our Veterans Day service. In worship we will take time to thank and honor our veterans. If you have served in the military, have a friend or family member who has served, or are just grateful for all who have served to protect our freedom, I hope you will be with us. This is also a wonderful opportunity to invite someone who has served or has a family member currently serving in the military. Don’t miss this great opportunity to reach out to a friend or neighbor with an invitation.
Then on Thanksgiving Day we will host a free community Thanksgiving Dinner. We can use your help in two ways to make this a great event. First, we need volunteers. You can sign up to cook, decorate, set up, serve, clean up or provide transportation at this link. We also need your help in extending the invitation. This community Thanksgiving dinner will be a great opportunity for:
Someone who is single, or a couple, with no other family nearby to share Thanksgiving dinner with.
An elderly person or couple who would not prepare a Thanksgiving dinner for themselves.
Any family without the setting or the means to prepare their own Thanksgiving dinner.
Homeless individuals or families.
Anyone who loves to be with people and wants to celebrate Thanksgiving in community!
One of the most challenging parts of a dinner like this is just getting the word out. So please help us by personally inviting, by posting it to your social media or perhaps by attending yourself! We are asking people to RSVP so we have some idea how much food to prepare. Anyone can sign up at this link.
God is doing great things at Rock Church, and I am convinced that the best is yet to come! See you Sunday.
God bless,
Pastor Steve