On Sunday we shared the story of John Newton, the slave ship captain turned preacher who wrote Amazing Grace. As the words of that hymn so powerfully portray, John Newton was overwhelmed by the thought that God could love him in spite of all he had done wrong in his life. That grace, the unmerited love of God, literally transformed him. He set aside the vocation that he had been trained in (from the age of 11) to pursue a life of serving Christ.

John Newton ~ Amazing Grace ~ 1772

John Newton ~ Amazing Grace ~ 1772

This concept of transformation is found throughout the New Testament. The apostle Paul speaks of it as laying down our old nature and being made new in Christ. Of course the transformation that John Newton experience was by no means limited to his vocation.  It was a transformation that permeated every aspect of his life. And so it is for us. It impacts our choices and our lifestyle. It influences our attitudes and our worldview. It transforms our mannerisms and our interactions with others. It shapes our values and priority. There is no aspect of our lives that the transformation that comes from experiencing the grace of God does not reach.

God's grace really is amazing. I've been a believer for about 50 years now. And I will confess to you that having lived with the knowledge of God's grace for so long, I have often taken it for granted. But then, every once in a while, I will reread a passage of scripture, or experience a moment of grace, that brings me back to the wonder and awe that I once felt. From time to time, God gives me the gift of being able to see his grace through new eyes and be reminded afresh of what a wondrous and precious thing this grace of God really is.  

We began a new series this week entitled GRACE(full). I will be honest, it is as much for me as it is for all of us. It is an opportunity to be reminded of the depth of God's unmerited love for us. My hope is that we can see God's grace through fresh eyes and can experience its transformational power once again.

I realize we are in a strange time. And in many ways it has been a difficult season for the Church of Jesus Christ. Without being able to gather in Christian fellowship it is very easy for us to not only feel disconnected from the church family, but even from God.  However, I believe God is doing something. I believe he's beginning to move in new ways that we can only see the very edges of right now.  I believe God is preparing to do great things in our church and in our individual lives. And I'm convinced that it begins with a renewed understanding of the amazing grace of God.

I pray that every one of you will be with us, in person or online, this Sunday as we continue this journey that I am calling GRACE(full).  Have a blessed week. Don't forget that you need to RSVP for worship. You can find all the information at www.rock-church.org/live.

God Bless,

Pastor Steve

P.S. Don’t forget that the Rock Run Raiser is coming up on Oct 17. See all the info at www.rockrunraiser.com. Get dirty for good!
