The question on everyone’s lips seems to be “when can we be back together for worship?” Personally, I can’t wait to see everyone. I miss every one of your beautiful, smiling faces. So, over the past couple of weeks we have been working on a plan to launch multiple small gathering for worship. Based on the guidelines being suggested for churches, these gatherings would have to happen under the following conditions:
· Limit gathering size to approximately 50 to ensure social distancing. (preregistration required)
· Everyone would be asked to wear a mask.
· We would not do congregational singing (it turns out singing is one of the most effective ways to spread Covid to others)
· No nursery or children’s programs.
· No coffee/food/fellowship time before or after worship.
· No hugs, no handshakes or other physical contact.
As we started to consider what that worship experience would be like, we were less and less enthused. Then someone asked “with warm weather now upon us, why not meet outdoors?” We have a large open field at our Plaistow campus that would allow us to spread out, sing out and not have to wear masks. We could easily gather hundreds of people in the field and still maintain social distancing. We could even have a parking area for those who want to attend “drive-in” style and stay in their car (particularly for those older or health compromised.)
We haven’t set a date yet as we still have some details to work out. But our plan is to offer a ministry wide outdoor worship celebration. We will probably do it late morning to allow time for the grass to dry. Then those who want to can stay for a picnic. We’ll do one of these gatherings to start and see how it goes. The week we do this, we will still offer the livestream for those prefer that option, or for health reasons would be wise to stay home. We will have more details for you soon, but I am so excited about the idea that I just had to share.
Speaking of exciting, I also wanted to share that we have identified a facility that we believe may be the perfect space for our North Shore campus. It is 58 Macy Street in Amesbury, the building that currently houses “Unity by the River.” They are relocating and are selling their building. It is already set up as a church. It is right off the highway (perfect for a regional campus). It has lots of parking, is handicap accessible, has ample nursery and children’s space, has rooms for adult lifegroup. The list goes on. It’s not a done deal. There are still details to work out, inspections to be done, etc. But we’ve have entered into a signed agreement that allows us to move forward with the other steps. Please keep this in prayer as we begin the due diligence.
One final note, this Sunday is Pentecost, so we have a special service prepared. Dress in red and join us on the livestream. If you think of it, send me a picture of your at home Pentecost worship!
God Bless,
Pastor Steve
On another note, we are testing out a new livestream platform. I’m looking for beta testers who would be willing to check it out and give feedback. The plan is to run the midweek service through it (in addition to the usual places) on Thursday at 6:30 pm. If you are willing to be a beta tester, please email me at