This past year has been challenging at so many levels. Some of you contracted Covid or perhaps watched a friend or family member go through it. It has been a season of disagreement and division. But one of the things I think many of us have found most difficult has been the isolation. So I don't know about you, but I'm ready. I'm ready to get out of my house. I'm ready to spend time with people face to face. I'm ready to reengage and reconnect. So I'm just going to put this out there. If you want to get coffee, meet for breakfast or lunch, if you want to come to my house for dinner I'll even cook for us. Just let me know, I'm ready.

Easter Eggs-perience.  March 27.  Helpers need.  Get more information at this link.  Register to attend at this link.

Easter Eggs-perience. March 27. Helpers need. Get more information at this link. Register to attend at this link.

I think church online has been great. I'm so proud of our team of musicians, techs and other servants who have pulled this together week after week. I'm so grateful for the time and energy that so many have invested in providing a great online worship for us and will continue to offer even after Covid wanes. But I also need to say “I'm ready.” I'm ready to get back to in person worship. I'm ready to be with people in community. I'm ready to hear the collective voices of God's people raised up in praise and worship. We will relaunch in-person worship on Palm Sunday, March 28th. While things are still fluid, our plan is to start with four services. 9:00 a.m. in Sandown. 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. in Plaistow. 10:30 a.m. at North Shore.

We will take a higher precaution approach (masks required) to start because we want people who may be in a position of having to be more cautious to feel that they can attend. But my hope is that as the numbers continue to decline, we can transition to a masks optional approach relatively soon. We will start with online registration as we have done in the past. The registration link for Holy Week will be posted in my Friday email. But my hope is also that we can transition out of having to register online fairly soon.

I also want to say that I believe God has great things prepared for us in the year ahead and I'm ready! I'm ready to see a movement of God in our church. I'm ready to see chains broken and prayers answered. I'm ready to see people commit their lives to Christ and grow deeply as followers of Jesus. I'm ready to see the mission of our church to reach and disciple people for Christ fulfilled in more powerful ways than ever.

I'm ready! How about you?

God bless,

Pastor Steve.

Hospitality training: we are still rebuilding our hospitality team. There will be an online training tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. If you're interested in learning more, please click this link.

Tech team: another area we are looking to grow and strengthen is our technology team. We need to expand the number of trained sound, video and computer team members. If you might be interested in helping I would like to know more, please click on this link.