This coming weekend we will celebrate the 4th of July, Independence Day. Independence Day began as a celebration of our freedom from the tyranny of British rule. And to this day it continues as a celebration of our ongoing freedom as Americans. There are very few concepts that speak more powerfully to the human heart than that of freedom. It is one of those rare things that people will fight for, sacrifice for, even die for. In fact, for those of us who live in New Hampshire, our state motto is “live free or die.”
Freedom can be experienced at many levels and there are many forms of bondage. On independence day we are reminded of the blessing of political freedom and self-governance. When we were young, we often looked forward to the day when we would be adults and have the freedom to make our own choices. When a person has committed a crime, the most common punishment is incarceration and the prisoner looks forward to the day when they will be set free.
But the Bible speaks of a different kind of freedom. The apostle Paul often spoke of the bondage of sin and the freedom that is found in Christ. In the gospel of John, Jesus himself said “if the son has set you free, you will be free indeed.” But Paul, and Jesus, spoke of a different kind of freedom. It is a freedom that goes beyond political oppression or physical captivity. Is it a freedom that goes beyond the right to assemble or freedom of speech or the freedom to make one's own choices. It is an inner freedom that overcomes the captivity of sin. This is true freedom. This is the freedom that only comes through Christ.
This weekend as we celebrate Independence Day, we are grateful to live in a nation that is rich with freedom. And it is appropriate to celebrate and give thanks for that gift. But let it also be a reminder to us that long before we declared our freedom as a nation, Jesus declared our freedom at the cross. And in a way, each one of us has our own personal independence day. The day we accepted Jesus as the leader of our lives and the forgiver of our sins we were set free.
The price of freedom is often sacrificed. There is no greater freedom any of us can experience than that which comes through Christ. And may we never cease to be grateful for his sacrifice that paid the price for that freedom.
I look forward to us all being together for worship online or in person this Sunday as we celebrate Independence Day.
Love you all,
Pastor Steve