Do you ever have days when you feel like you just have to praise God out loud? Sometimes I just want to shout from the rooftops how good God is. Some of you may have heard that on Saturday I had a stroke. Even as I put those words from pen to paper it is a little hard to believe. For the most part I am a healthy person. I take reasonably good care of myself. I am rarely sick. But apparently I have a PFO. A tiny hole in my heart that makes it possible for a blood clot to make its way through and affect my brain. The stroke impacted the vision in my left eye and diminished strength and function in my left arm and leg.

Praise God! We recently celebrated 6 baptisms at our North Shore Campus!

And yet, a day later God had already brought significant restoration. And yesterday as I went out to put something in the mailbox, I caught myself jogging to the street and taking the steps two at a time coming back into the house. As nearly as I can tell, I am 100% healed from the deficit of the stroke. Looking back on the whole experience I am extremely aware that this could have gone a completely different direction. I know that not every sickness ends in God's miraculous healing. And I honestly don't know why God has chosen to bless me in such a way. But I am grateful! And I just want to give praise to God today for His power, help and healing in my life.

Experiences like this also remind us that life on this earth his brief. And every day is a gift. So, for myself, and I pray for all of us, I want to live out this gift of life to its fullest. I don't want to miss a single opportunity to serve God, to bless others and to share his love. Every new day is an opportunity to use whatever God has given us to do his work and advance his kingdom.

Life is not always easy. There have been struggles and setbacks. There has been hardship and, at times, loss. But in the midst of it all, God is good. And today I praise God for all that He has done, and all He is doing, in my life. And I would encourage all of us see where God is at work in our lives, and give him praise!

Love you all,

Pastor Steve