In Luke 4:18 Jesus shared these words regarding the time at Hand for Him.  “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to bring good news to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free,”

What a powerful picture and explanation of what Jesus is about and makes possible.  How many people have wondered what is the purpose of following Jesus?  This very verse gives us a great insight into what Jesus purpose and that which He offers to all.  Let’s pull it apart.

Jesus was anointed, selected, set apart and empowered to:

1.    Bring good news to the poor.  Is there any question that our world needs good news right
now?  Or that there are too many without enough while others have more than they could ever use up in 10 lifetimes?  Does our world need hope that things do not have to stay the same, or keep deteriorating, if you believe that they are.  A Promise that there is a better way characterized by caring for one another instead of apathy, respect vs. constant ripping on one another, building up rather than tearing down, reconciliation of human to human, nation to nation, tribe to tribe as opposed to increasing hatred and hostility – often the source of which is long forgotten, but that is what warring factions are just supposed to do and be.  Jesus’ values lift up that there is an alternative!

2.    Release of captives/letting the captives go free.  Those who are enslaved by sin, habit,
addiction, oppression, abuse, marginalization, discounted value of their human lives.  How many are captive to something that keeps them from being who they were made to be?  Through forgiveness and because all matter to God, broken spirits can be freed from the bondage that might currently enslave them to believe “that is just the way it is, some things will never change.”  Jesus’ values and love lift up that there are alternatives!

3.    Recovery of sight to the blind.  Literally, Jesus can and often still heals ailments and/or
physical disease.  But there are many things that have left many blind to the possibilities, or the value and dignity of others.  You matter to God.  They (whoever the they are in your understanding) matter to God!  No matter what you might have been told or have come to believe, we all matter to God – the Creator of all people, the universe and all that is good and worthwhile!  Many cannot see it, or refuse to allow themselves to see it.  But Jesus values, love and new possibilities lift up that there are alternatives! 

And as followers of this anointed Jesus, it is our calling to live this and make it known as well.  All of these can be your Truth IF YOU ALLOW FAITH TO LEAD YOU to the possibilities that the Gospel brings.  The possibilities that are made available through Jesus’ love, teaching, example, sacrifice, death and Resurrection that we as believers all over the world celebrate during this holiest of times known as Holy Week!  Allow yourself to experience the brush with the Holy that is Holy Week and Easter, and pursue the mystery, matchless healing, newness of life, and possibilities that it offers to all. 

Our God is big.  Bigger than anything that might try to hold us back.  May we experience that God this Easter!

In Christ,

Pastor Paul

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Please join me in having a joyful Easter at any or all of these awesome events that our Rock Church family is hosting or helping with. Please click for all the details.

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Celebrating The Last Supper
March 29th 6pm Refreshments 7pm Program
Rock Church Newburyport 190 State St.


Rock Church Newburyport's 1st Special Easter Service! Revisit Jesus' last supper and the grace and challenge He shared with those closest to Him - and consider how He extends that same grace and challenge to us today. Jesus showed His willingness to make His love a reality, that we could experience what it is like to matter to God. Come join us, all are welcome.

Reflective Worship & Message leading up to
Jesus's death upon the Cross "It is done."

March 30th 7pm
Rock Church Amesbury 146 Main St.