St. Matthews is known for its radical hospitality, making everyone feel welcomed and part of our church family.  This past Sunday, a person from out-of-town commented to my wife that they love coming to St. Matts because they are greeted so warmly.  Our hospitality team over the years has done a great job.  With the opening of our new worship center, we’re expanding that team and need some additional folks.  Brian Morrill is leading the charge.  If you would like to be part of the Hospitality Team, contact Brian at .  One of our core convictions at St. Matthews is that “everyone is gifted to serve.”  Joining the Hospitality Team is a great place to start!

            Over the years, folks have brought cookies and treats to share during the fellowship time following the service.  Now that we have a beautiful new welcome center we would like to formalize that so that every Sunday goodies will be available.  Our administrative assistant Kristen Gondolfo is starting a list so that treats will be available every week.  Please contact Kristen at if you’re interested in sharing the love with others.

            If you’ve been with us for the last two weeks, you’ve heard us talk about “Reboot … a fresh start for the New Year.”  One of the best ways to Reboot is to make a commitment to join a LifeGroup.  Currently there are 32 active groups between our three campuses, everything from Bible studies to interest-based meetings.  LifeGroups are really at the heart of our church as we learn to do life together, to support and encourage one another and to grow in our faith.  In last Sunday’s bulletin there was a listing of the current available groups.   The great thing about LifeGroups is that you can participate at any campus.  A family member recently attended a group meeting on Tuesday night in Amesbury.  He texted me the next day and said, “grandpa it was awesome!”  Ed and Sherry Lucia are our LifeGroup champions.  Contract Ed or Sherry and they will answer your questions and get you connected.  They will also assist you if you are interested in starting or leading a group.  Making a commitment to joining a LifeGroup with change your life!

            Despite the ice, cold and snow, we had almost 100 people at the 8:45 service this past Sunday.  Special thanks to Rick McCully and Kyle Reynolds for their hard work shoveling and sanding. Kudos as well to Chris Tammany for plowing our parking lot.  Our online pastor Lee Elliott tells me that we had numerous others watching on livestreaming and Facebook.    If you missed the message, it is available on our website   The core of the message was that our choices matter and that if we make the wise choice, the Godly choice and the right choice, 2017 can be the best year of our lives.

            This SundayPastor Steve will be continuing our sermon series “Reboot” talking about stepping out of the boat and sharing great steps of faith that we can all take to reboot our lives.  It’s a message you don’t want to miss.

See you Sunday, Pastor Frank

