The headline in the New Hampshire Union Leader last week declared, “Everyone loves a parade.” While it was referencing the Manchester St. Patrick’s Day parade, I trust that most of us do indeed love a good parade, from the Sandown Old Home Day’s Parade each August to the Macy’s Thanksgiving spectacular in November. The parade that I personally enjoyed the most was on March 12, 1959 when Congress ended decades of procrastination and voted Hawaii the 50th State in the Union.
I was a senior at Roosevelt High School in Honolulu, Hawaii when the announcement came over the public address system. Students jumped out of school windows and spontaneously headed for Waikiki, Diamond Head and Iolani Place. There was shouting and dancing in the street, car horns and sirens marked the event that statehood, which had long been waited for, had finally been approved. The entire city of Honolulu was in a virtual gridlock. The celebration went on for several days.
This Sunday, we’re going to be celebrating the most important parade in the history of the world – Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Just like parades of today, folks lined the streets shouting and singing. In fact it got so out of control that the Pharisees and religious leaders demanded Jesus silence the crowds. Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem is a great and powerful story on so many levels and has so much to teach us. If you want to get a head start, the message will be from Luke 19:35-40. I believe there are five powerful revelations or key lessons for us today. I pray this is a message that you will not want to miss.
Holy Week Schedule at Rock Church Ministries
Holy Week is a great time to invite friends and relatives to join us. Never forget that most people visit church because someone invited them. Please join me this year in inviting folks to one or all of our services:
Maundy Thursday, April 13 at 6:30 p.m. at S. Matthews
Good Friday, April 14, at 7 p.m. in Amesbury
Holy Saturday, April 15 at 5 p.m. at The Rock in Plaistow
Easter Services Times
St. Matthews – 8:45 a.m.
Amesbury – 10:10 a.m.
Plaistow – 9:45 and 11:11 a.m.
(There will be no 6 p.m. Service on Easter)
And don't forget the Easter Egg Hunt this Saturday from 8 to noon at St. Matts!
Wesley Theological Seminary Returns to The Rock
Local pastors from all over New England will gather at The Rock April 21-22 and again on May 12-13 to participate in required courses for their ministry. On Friday, April 21 and again on Friday, May 12 we will be hosting a dinner for about 30 of them.
Sue Reynolds has agreed to chair the event but needs your help in providing potatoes, salad and some veggies. (I’m happy to sacrificially give my veggies to other pastors in attendance!) We could also use some cookies for break times. Help is needed as well for set-up and breakdown. The dinner will be from 5-6:30 and set-up will be at 4. Please contact Sue Reynolds at 603-548-5578 or if you are able to help in any way. Pastor Jon and I are among the participants and really would appreciate your help. Besides, we love to show off members of our church family to other pastors!
See you for the “parade” on Sunday at St. Matts at 8:45.
Have a great Holy Week.
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Frank