Last Sunday we talked about one of the "Big Three" for our church, Serving.  We have three core convictions for our ministry: Everyone needs Jesus.  Everyone is meant to grow.  Everyone is gifted to serve.  I used the image of a puzzle.  Each piece is unique and each piece is necessary for the puzzle to be complete.  When we find our place of service we contribute our unique gifts, talents and abilities to the work of Christ through His church.

But it is not only that when we share in this way it helps to advance the kingdom of God.  It also helps us to more fully connect to the family of God.  What's more, there is a tremendous joy and satisfaction that comes from discovering, and living into, the purpose for which God made us.  My hope is that everyone of us will find a way to employ our gifts and talents in meaningful service. So I will repeat the offer I made on Sunday.  If you are not yet serving in some area of ministry, but are ready to START, then take the first step.  You can email me directly at and just say "I'm ready to START!"  I would be honored to help direct you to a place that fits your calling.

I also want to take a moment today to remind us about some very exciting things coming up for us at Rock Church Ministries.

Brian and Chris cooking at last year's Blessing of the Bikes

Brian and Chris cooking at last year's Blessing of the Bikes

  • Blessing of the Bikes!   That event takes place tomorrow (Saturday) at our Sandown campus.  Gathering and continental breakfast at 9 am., blessing at 10 am, group ride and BBQ back at the church at lunch time.
  • Membership class.  If you are not yet a member of our church, there will be an inquiry class Sunday (May 21) at 2 pm at our Plaistow campus. If you would like to attend, please drop a quick email to Lynette.
  • Golf Tournament. Our Rock Church Golf Tournament to support missions is coming up on June 24.  Registration is open now.  We are also looking for hole sponsors.  If you, or your business, would like to sponsor a hole, please email Julie at
  • Baptisms.  We are going to try something we have never done.  On Pentecost, June 4th, we will incorporate full immersion baptisms into a Sunday morning service.   For this first time, we are going to be doing this at our Amesbury campus during the 10:10 Sunday service.  If God is calling you to a deeper walk through baptized, please email Pastor Jon at

This is just a sampling of some of the great and exciting things we have going on at Rock Church Ministries.  Be sure to read through the newsletter and catch all the rest.  I look forward to having you join us this Sunday at one of our morning or evening services. If you are out of town, we invite you to join us at our online campus

Have a great week and God Bless,

Pastor Steve
