Dear Friends,
Got joy? I’m convinced that it is God’s intention that we live lives of joy. Jesus said “I have come that you may have life and life abundant.” That doesn’t mean life is always going to be easy or fun. But one of the great things about living a life in relationship with Jesus is that we can experience joy, even in those times that are not easy.
On Sunday, we talked about how living a life of gratitude helps us to experience that life of joy that God desires for us. One of the important keys to living a life of gratitude is to express it openly. That means praising God for the blessings he places in our lives. It also means intentionally thanking other people for the ways they have blessed us. I challenged folks on Sunday to intentionally thank at least one person every day this week. So, here is mine for today.
I want to thank YOU! It would be difficult for me to fully express the gratitude that I feel for each and every one of you. I consider it one of the greatest blessings of my life to be a part of such an amazing church. Let me tell you why I love and am grateful for our Rock Church family.
- First and foremost, there is a love that permeates this church family that is awesome. It is a love for Christ and a love for one another.
- There is a heart for the lost. I believe one of the things that makes Rock Church great is our passion to reach those who do not yet know Jesus.
- People are genuinely sacrificial in their service to Christ. I have been inspired over and over again at the way so many of you are generous with your time, your talents and your resources to help others and to advance the kingdom of God.
- I’m also encouraged and inspired by the passion I see in so many of you to grow deeper in Christ through lifegroups and other discipleship opportunities.
Some churches are great with outreach to the lost, but never seem to grow deeper in faith. Other churches are very serious about growing deep in the Word, but don’t seem burdened for those all around them who are living without Christ. I am so grateful to be a part of a church that has a heart for both.
Can I tell you one other thing I’m grateful for. I’m grateful for our amazing leadership team. I’m not sure we even realize what an incredible team of pastors and ministry leaders we have at Rock Church. God has blessed us with an abundance of talented, bright, passionate, committed, sacrificial servant leaders. I thank God for each and every one of them!
Who are you grateful for today? Take the opportunity to tell them.
God Bless,
Pastor Steve