Dear Friends,
Thank you to all who helped with the Blessing of the Bikes on Saturday!
First I just want to say “Praise God!” for what we experienced this past Sunday as we celebrated Pentecost together. We had great, joyful, powerful experiences at all locations. And at our Plaistow campus we got to do something very special. On Easter we had a number of folks baptized by immersion at our Amesbury Campus. This Pentecost Sunday we had 10 people baptized by immersion in worship in Plaistow. What an exciting and inspiring worship that was!
Speaking of exciting, I want to share some excited news with you regarding this Summer. First, we are going to be offering an all new “At the Movies” series that you are not only going to love, but will want to invite all your friends to. We did a similar series a few years ago and it was our best attended Summer series ever! You will hear more about that in a few week.
New Series begins this Sunday!
Also, beginning July 1 we will be introducing a new Summer schedule in Plaistow. For some time I have felt that there was a better option for us than 9:45 and 11:11. So, we are going to make a transition this Summer to a 9:00 am and 10:30 am worship schedule in Plaistow. I think this is going to be excellent for our ministry for several reasons:
- It’s easier to remember. Let’s be honest, 9:45 and 11:11 are not the most natural times to offer service. This summer as we invite guests it will be much easier for them to remember 9 & 10:30.
- It offers an earlier option. Particularly during the Summer, there will be weeks when people have travel plans or summer activities. This 9:00 am service will give an earlier option that allows people to attend worship and still participate in other plans.
- It offers an earlier end time. The 10:30 service allows the option of a somewhat later service, but still gets people out for other great family activities prior to noon (even with time for coffee after worship).
- It gives us more time between services. While not a huge difference, it does give us a few extra minutes between services for better transitioning.
Landscaping in Sandown
So spread the word. Beginning July 1 we will have a new summer worship schedule in Plaistow and it’s going to be awesome! Before I wrap up I want to take a moment to thank all those who came out on Saturday to help with landscaping and flowers at our Rock Sandown Campus. Great job everyone! It looks awesome.
God Bless,
Pastor Steve