Dear Friends,
I’ve always loved Pentecost. To me it is one of the most exciting days of the year for Rock Church. The story of Pentecost is found in the book of Acts chapter 2. It tells of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the disciples, placing within them the power of God to preach, teach, heal and serve. It marks the birth of the Christian church and the beginning of the Great Commission!
Blessing of the Bikes is this Saturday, May 19, weather permitting. Watch FB and email for any possible date change.
The great thing about this story is that it was not a one-time occurrence. God’s Holy Spirit is as much with us today as it was with the first disciples. Through the presence of the Holy Spirit, you and I have access to the power of God to do his work in this generation. That’s awesome! Because let’s be honest, the work of sharing Jesus and serving others in His name takes strength and courage. Sometimes we may not feel like we have what it takes. And that may be true. On our own, we don’t have what it takes to live out all that God has called us to do and be. But because we have the gift of the Holy Spirit, God’s presence, power and strength within us, we can do all things!
I look forward to us being together this Sunday for the celebration of Pentecost. We will be welcoming new members at several services. At our Plaistow Campus we will celebrate baptism (by immersion, in the sanctuary!) At all locations it is going to be a great time of joyful worship. You will not want to miss it.
We will be having a "Planting Party" this Saturday at our Sandown campus at 9:00 am. Helpers welcome!
I also want to remind you to mark your calendar for June 30th. On that day, we will hold our first “For Our Community” day of serving. We are up to about a dozen projects so far spread over 9 communities. This is going to be an amazing opportunity to bless our region in the name of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Just like that first Pentecost story, we get to be a part of a huge and visible movement of God by sharing his love throughout our communities! We need you and all your friends to join us in this great effort. And don’t forget that after we work through the morning, we will all come together at our Plaistow location for an amazing “after party.” Food, music, games, activities, inflatables and train rides for the kids and more.
Registration officially opens on June 1. However, we are already signing up help for the teams that are doing planning, preparation, set up, breakdown, etc. If you would like to help with the work of bringing this great day to fruition, please visit to sign up.
God Bless,
Pastor Steve