Dear Friends,

This week we celebrate the official first day of summer.   I know that in some traditions, the church virtually shuts down during the summer.  Not so for Rock Church.  Summer is one of the busiest, most active, most exciting times of the year for us.  While there are some ministry areas that take a brief sabbath, we have a ton of awesome special events during the summer.

I don’t want you to miss out on any of these great opportunities, so I would like to take a moment to highlight some summer event you will want to know about.


·This Saturday, June 23rd, is Plaistow’s Old Home Day.  We will be participating in the festivities with an outreach booth and as part of the parade.  If you would like to help at the booth, please drop us an email at this link.

·Amesbury Days begin June 28th with the block party.  We will also sponsor the Pancake Breakfast and have a booth at the fire works (both on July 4th.)  If you would like to help with this, email at this link.

·For Our Community Day.  I’m sure by now you have heard about this.  We already have over 200 people participating in the day in a wide variety of ways.  For more information or to sign up to help at one of the projects, please click on this link.

·New Summer schedule for our Plaistow Campus.  Beginning July 1 we will be going to a 9:00 am and 10:30 am service schedule at Rock Plaistow.  This will allow people to get an earlier start and still have the opportunity to enjoy great summer outings and events.

·Summer Day Camp.  We will again be offering great summer day camp programs in both Sandown and Plaistow in August.  For all the details, go to  Registration is now open and it is only $29 for a week long full day program.  Invite your friends and neighbors.


·Soulfest.  We will be taking a large group of youth and family campers to Soulfest again this year.  Soulfest takes place the first week of August.  To register or for more information, click on this link.

·Grounded.  Our monthly youth drop in program is open this Friday night, June 22.  Additional summer dates for Grounded include July 27 and August 24.  Doors open at 6:30 pm.  Fun. Games. Food. Music. Join us and bring a friend. For youth in grades 6-12. 

Believe it or not, there is more.  Men’s and Women’s BBQs, a great new “At the Movies” summer series, men’s retreat.  The list goes on.  Check out all these great summer events HERE.  This is going to be a hot summer at Rock Church.  You won’t want to miss a moment. 

Have a great rest of the week.  We’ll see you Sunday!

    God Bless,

Pastor Steve
