Dear Friends,
This week I have been reading from the Book of John. In his account of Jesus’ life, he records these words that Jesus said to his disciples. “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these.” I believe these words were meant not only for the disciples in the early church, but for every generation of believers that would follow. And yet, it seems unimaginable that we would do even greater things than Jesus himself. Jesus healed the sick, restored sight to the blind, even raised the dead. Jesus fed the masses and taught thousands. Is it really possible that we would do greater things?
Soulfest is coming up in less than 2 weeks. If you would like to attend, you need to register right away. We only have a few tickets left.
As mind blowing, and humbling, as it is to imagine, it is absolutely possible that we would do greater things. It was for this purpose that God sent his Holy Spirit to dwell within us. That we, his disciples of today, might do greater things in His name. Miracles? Yes. Feed the hungry and help those in need? Without a doubt. Proclaim the Good News to thousands? Absolutely.
I sense in my spirit that God is preparing to do greater things in, and through, our church than we have ever seen. I believe that in the coming months God is going to move powerfully in our midst. I believe we are going to see young and old passionately pursuing Christ. I believe we will see people make decisions for Christ and be saved for eternity at every service and in every location. I believe we are going to see miracles.
But I want to be clear than none of that is going to happen by our own strength. Certainly, we must do what we can do; serve, invite, give, welcome, etc. But we must rely on God to do what only He can do. The Old Testament prophet Zechariah wrote “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord.” When Jesus says we would do greater things, it is because of the spirit of God working within us.
I know of no great movement of God that was not founded in prayer. I would ask us to begin now praying for a great movement of God’s Holy Spirit to empower the work of our church. Pray that the Holy Spirit would be at work in the hearts of seekers, drawing them towards a life changing relationship with Him. Pray for our children and young people, that they would be on fire for Christ. Pray for our long time Christians, that they would rediscover their first love, that passion for Jesus that they experienced when they first came to know him. Pray for our worship, that every week it would be a joy filled, Spirit led celebration of who God is, and what he has done in our lives.
Our CR program will be hosting a BBQ this Tuesday, July 24, beginning at 5:30 pm. It is open to everyone. It's a great opportunity to learn more about what CR is and the great things that are happening. For more info on CR, click on this link.
If you believe as I do that there is power in prayer, I want to extend to you an invitation. In my prayer time this morning, I felt God say to me that we must pull together a team of Christ followers who are passionate about prayer to partner with me in praying for our church. If you would like to be a part of this “Pastor’s Prayer Team” I would ask you to email me at Send me your name and preferred email address. Periodically, I will send out emails with areas of focus that I would ask you to pray for. The only thing I ask is that when you receive one of these emails, that you actually stop and pray in the moment. Then in your daily prayer time, continue to pray for this area of need or opportunity.
I seriously believe that God is preparing to do greater things right here in Rock Church. But I also believe we lay the foundation for that in prayer. I invite you to join me in this intentional way. Have a great rest of the week! I look forward to us gathering for an amazing time of worship this Sunday. You won’t want to miss it!
God Bless,
Pastor Steve