Dear Friends,
On the wall in my office, right in front of me as I sit at my computer, is a plaque that says “One Matters.” Our church received the plaque about a year ago when we received the “One Matters” award from our denomination. The One Matters award is given to churches in recognition of excellence in evangelism. That plaque has been on my wall for a while now. And as often happens, it has begun to blend into the background. It is actually no less visible than it was the day I hung it up there. I’ve just gotten so used to it being there that I don’t always notice it now.
But for some reason, today I did notice it again. As I reread it, I began to think about the meaning and power of those words “One Matters.” There is a worship song we sing, Reckless Love, that says that God leaves the ninety-nine to seek after the one. The lyrics are taken from the parable of the lost sheep found in the gospels of Luke and Matthew. The award, the song, the scripture reminds us that “One Matters.” At the heart of the gospel is the truth that every lost soul, every broken life, every hurting person matters to God.
A few of our Garden club ladies taking a well earned rest.
I believe all of us need to have a “one.” Who is your one person, the one you are praying for every day to come to know Jesus? Who is the one person you are trying to share faith with? Who is the one person you are inviting to come and experience the love of Jesus? I want to encourage all of us to have a “one” because every “one” matters. Can you imagine the impact it would have on our church and on our community if each of us reached just one person for Christ?
Everyone needs Jesus. But sometimes when we look at the vast number of people in our world who do not yet know him, it can feel overwhelming. How could we ever reach all those people? But I want to encourage us to think about it differently. Rather than focus on the crowd, focus on the one. Focus your prayers, your efforts, your outreach, your invitation on the “one” that God has put on your heart to reach. Think about it. If every follower of Jesus would reach just one, we could win the world for Christ in this generation. Who is your “one?”
God Bless,
Pastor Steve
P.S. Those of you who have been on one of our Texas Mission trips might like to know that Texas Steve is coming up this weekend. He and Libby will be in worship with us at the 8:45 am service in Sandown.