Dear Friends,
I am blown away by how many of you responded to the invitation on Sunday to commit to pray EVERY day for the next 60 days. If you were at one of the Rock locations or watching online, you will remember that there were some key components to your decision. This is to be dedicated time, set aside for just you and God. We encouraged you to take this time at the very beginning of your day so it could set the tone and provide a spiritual foundation to all you do. And we suggested 5 areas of focus for your prayer: your family, your church, those in need, those who do not yet know Jesus and yourself.
How’s it going so far? Have you been able to do it each day? If you miss a day, don’t beat yourself up. Just start again tomorrow. The important thing is to stay the course. The series we are in right now is called Game Changers. And I absolutely believe that prayer will be a game changer for us if we can make it a part of our daily rhythm, every day, to spend time in the morning in an intentional conversation with God.
It will be a game changer in your personal life as you approach every day with the godly attitude and the heart of Christ that comes from having spent time in the presence of God. It will give you strength and perseverance for the challenges of life. It will give you a heart of love and a spirit of joy that you can bring into every relationship and encounter you will have.
But I also believe it will be a game changer for our church. Hundreds and hundreds of you made this commitment in person on Sunday. And I’m discovering that many more of you who were attending via the live stream made the same commitment. If hundreds of us will come together every morning in prayer for our church, our leaders and our mission I have no doubt that you will shake the gates of hell and help to bring the kingdom of God on earth!
I hope every one of us can be together in worship this Sunday as we continue this Game Changer series.
God bless,
Pastor Steve