I was reading the Christmas story as told in the gospel of Luke this morning. After the baby is born, angels proclaimed the good news to a group of shepherds who immediately rush off to see the baby, the one who would be the savior of the world. After seeing him, it says in Luke 2:17-18.

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“When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.”

Once they had seen for themselves what the angels had declared, they immediately began to spread the word. How could they not? This was the fulfillment of what generations of Israelites had been waiting for. If you are like me, when you've heard bad news, you are in no rush to share it. But if you received good news, you can't wait to tell everyone. The shepherds had received the good news that the Messiah, the savior of our world, had come. And they couldn't wait to spread the word.

From that glorious night to this very day, the good news of the birth of Savior continues to be shared, as from person to person, generation to generation, the word has spread. now it is our turn. Like the shepherds, we have received the good news. Now we are the ones to spread the word, to share the good news, with a generation desperately in need of the hope that only Jesus can bring.

Christmas Eve will soon be upon us. Christmas is far and away one of the most effective times of the year for sharing the good news of Jesus. I want to encourage us to make the most of this opportunity to spread the word by inviting a friend, neighbor, coworker or family member to join us on Christmas Eve. Our world seems to be inundated with bad news. But in the midst of that, we have good news. How can we not share it? I believe people are more hungry than ever for the good news of Jesus. By inviting them to join us on Christmas Eve we are offering them the opportunity to experience for themselves this good news.

In worship this Sunday we will be giving out invitation cards. These are meant to help you extend the invitation to one of our Christmas Eve services. We will also be putting out posts on social media that can be easily shared. As a church, we can provide resources like these. But only you can extend the invitation to your friends, your family.

Our theme for Christmas Eve is “The Perfect Gift.” Jesus is the perfect gift that every person in this world needs. Help us spread the word! Christmas Eve services will be at 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. in Sandown and Plaistow, and at 3:00 p.m. at Northshore. A simple invitation can make all the difference in the life of someone you know and care about. Don't miss this opportunity.

I look forward to us all being together this Sunday as we continue our series "Expecting!"

God bless,

Pastor Steve

Mark Your Calendar: On New Years Eve Rock Church will hold a 2020 celebration. See all the details at this link.
