Have you ever looked at your own life and wondered "Why would God ever use the likes of me?" Personally, I want to be used of God. I want to be a part of building his kingdom and fulfilling his mission. I pray I can be a significant part of the work of Christ. But then I look inward and think about the many ways I've messed up. I look at my own brokenness, my hang ups and my failings.
I think about the times I could have been courageous but instead was fearful, times I should have trusted God but doubted, moments I missed great opportunities to serve him. I suspect many of us have had those moments. Our shortcomings and our imperfections cause us to doubt if God would really have a place for us in his kingdom work.
But the good news is that God is in the habit of using ordinary people, with all of our struggles, shortcomings and sin, to do great things. God seems to delight in using cracked vessels to bring living water into the world. And nowhere is that more evident than in the life of the apostle Peter.
Peter, the very first disciple that Jesus called, was an ordinary fisherman. He was no one special in the eyes of the world. He made mistakes. He was brash and outspoken, and yet at times fearful. At some of the most critical moments of his life he failed, even denied, Jesus. In a word, he was imperfect. Yet Jesus called him to follow, and used him to build the very foundation of his church.
Today is the beginning of Lent. Lent is that season of preparation leading up to the celebration of Easter. This Sunday we will begin a new series entitled "Imperfect." In this series we will dig into the life Peter. Beginning with his call, we will follow Peter's journey of faith and his life with Christ.
I know you are going find Peter’s story both encouraging and inspiring as it is a powerful reminder of how God uses the ordinary and the imperfect to accomplish great things. We can see in the ways that Jesus uses Peter that, in spite of our frailties, every one of us has the potential to be world changers. I hope you will do all that you can to be with us in worship in these coming weeks for this important and impactful series.
Also, don't forget to change your clocks this Saturday night. It is "spring forward" so turn your clocks ahead. I know that puts worship an hour earlier, but we will have coffee ready when you arrive!
Have a great week.
God bless,
Pastor Steve
On another note, if you are not currently in a life group, we are launching a new 6-week study on the Lord's prayer. This brand new group begins this Sunday at our Plaistow campus at 4:45 pm. This new group will combine engaging video based teaching with the opportunity for honest questions and dialogue. Walk-ins are welcome, but if you would like to pre-register, please drop a quick email to Sherry Lucia.