There is a component of our Christian faith that is very much about the physical world around us. As Christians, we are all about feeding the hungry, helping those in need, blessing others. After all, it was James, the brother of Jesus who said:
Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, "Go in peace; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?
Our new series “Supernatural” begins this Sunday, June 2 at all Rock locations.
But there is also an aspect of our faith which is very much about the spiritual realm. The unseen. The supernatural. This Sunday we are beginning a new teaching series that I am certain is going to be both powerful and fascinating. The title of the series is simply “Supernatural.”
I think every human being senses at some level that there is more to our world than that which can be seen. While not everyone can put words to it, I think we all understand that there is a spiritual realm. That there are spiritual forces at work in our world. And I believe most people, even those who do not yet know Christ, want to understand it better. As such, I think this would be a great series to invite an unchurched friend to attend.
Through the series we will dig into the work of the Holy Spirit. We will look at spiritual gifts, including some of the more “charismatic” gifts. We will explore the battle that goes on at the spiritual level, angels and demons and the spiritual forces of the enemy.
But we are going to start the series with a topic that we don’t often talk about, but I am discovering many of you have experience at one level or another: MIRACLES! As a part of this opening message, we will be sharing some stories with you that you will not want to miss. It is going to be powerful.
I look forward to having every one of you in worship with us this Sunday as we begin this new series, SUPERNATURAL! You will not want to miss it. (seriously, if you have other plans, cancel them.)
God bless,
Pastor Steve