Today in my devotional time I was reading from the book of Hebrews. Chapter 10 verse 24 says “let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another.” In that one verse we are reminded of a couple important things. The first is that we must not neglect meeting together. We are not meant to live out our faith in isolation. We are part of the body of Christ. This is our family.
Since the very beginning of the early church, Christians have gathered together to worship, to study, to pray, to share life together. That greatly happens in three ways for us today. First is worship. This is our weekly opportunity to be together with the whole family.
A second opportunity is life groups. Here we get to spend time with fellow believers in a more intimate setting. It is an opportunity to grow deeper in faith and to do life.
A third opportunity we have to gather with our church family is in serving. There are so many ways, within and beyond the church, that we can be doing the work of Christ. And while that can also be done in isolation, it is really meant to be done in community. We are more efficient and more effective when we combine our gifts with others. But more importantly, when we work together with others we build relationships and encourage one another.
I know how busy life can be. We seem to have so many things pulling us in more directions than ever. But this passage reminds us that we must not allow that the busyness to keep us from meeting together as the body of Christ, where we can worship, study, build relationships and spur one another on. I think that is the second take away. When we gather it is an opportunity to encourage and be encouraged.
The journey of faith can be challenging at times. This is why God calls us to relationship. He puts people in our lives who can help, love, encourage and spur us on. And we can be that person for others. Reading that verse this morning I was reminded of how important it is that we never give up meeting together and encouraging one another. I look forward to us all being together this Sunday as we continue our series “You’ve got a friend in me!”
God Bless,
Pastor Steve
On another note, on Friday at the end of day camp we could use a bunch of extra hands to help us break down and clean up in Sandown beginning at 5:00 pm. Many hands make light work!