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How do you picture Jesus in your mind? When you envision Jesus, what setting do you see him in? What is he doing? Who is he with? Sometimes I think we forget that Jesus was a real flesh and blood man. He walked to the earth. He had friends. He experienced the full range of human emotions. He was God, of course. But as Emmanuel, he became God with us. Fully God and fully man.
I don't know about you, but when I think of Jesus, when I pray to him, I have no problem seeing Him as God. What I fail to recognize sometimes is his humanity. I forget that he lived as a man, a real person, who inhabited this earth just as you and I do. He felt pain. He was, at times, hungry and thirsty. He experienced both joy and sorrow. We would never want to fail to acknowledge the deity of Christ. But at the same time, we must not overlook his humanity.
Beginning this Sunday we will launch a new series entitled "The Real Jesus." Jesus was, without question, the most fascinating person to ever walk this earth. And in this series we will take an in-depth look at his life. We will look beyond the often two-dimensional view to see Jesus in the fullness of who he was and who he is.
I promise you that by the end of this series you will have a deeper and fuller understanding of the person of Jesus than ever before. I hope you will be with us this Sunday, and every Sunday of this series, as together we come to know "The Real Jesus." You will not want to miss a single week!
I would also encourage us to use this as an opportunity to invite those friends and neighbors who do not yet have a church home. It has been my experience that even people who are not connected to church are hungry to know more about Jesus. This series provides a wonderful opportunity for them to take a first step towards a life changing relationship with him.
Have a blessed week. I look forward to us being together as the family of God this Sunday as we gather for worship.
In Christ,
Pastor Steve