This Sunday marks the beginning of Advent. The word advent literally means “coming.” So Advent is that four weeks season of the church year when we focus on the coming of Christ. The season is meant to be a time of anticipation, preparation and celebration. I realized that for many of us, this season will be different from previous years. But I want you to know that your pastors and leadership team are working hard to make this a great Advent/Christmas season in spite of the strange and disruptive conditions under which we are living.
The anticipation of Advent is all about counting down the days leading up to Christmas. This year we have developed special family activity packs for Advent that will help you count down the days until Christmas in a fun and meaningful way. This packet is designed to be done with kids of all ages and include all members of the family. Each days’ bible reading is a link of the paper chain that is used to count down to Christmas and then each day there are a different activities for the family to do together. It won’t require any money or mom or dad doing all the work. Each day’s activity will promote conversation, fun and laughter and a prayer focus. You can reserve your family’s Christmas Countdown packet by emailing Lynette. Packets will be available at each campus on this Sunday.
We wish you and your family a blessed and joyful Thanksgiving!
The preparation of Advent is greatly about our spiritual practices. Through daily prayer and devotion, and weekly worship, we prepare ourselves spiritually for the coming of Christ. I would encourage us during this season of Advent to set aside some extra time for prayer and the Word of God. If you are not doing so already, you might consider following along with the first five daily video devotions They are published on our Rock Church Facebook page each weekday morning at 6:00 a.m. But I also send out a email reminder with a direct link to the daily video. If you would like to be added to the email reminder list, please send me your preferred email address.
And of course the celebration is greatly about Christmas Eve. With all that we have been through this year, here at Rock Church we are pouring ourselves fully into making this Christmas Eve a special celebration. We don't know for sure what the next month will bring, but our intention is to offer both in-person and online Christmas Eve services. Whether you participate online or in-person, we are preparing great Christmas Eve worship experiences for you and your family.
I pray that all of you will have a joyful and blessed Thanksgiving tomorrow. And then I look forward to us beginning the season of Advent together and worship. If you are joining us for in person worship, please be reminded that all services are now higher precaution (masks required throughout.) And please be sure to RSVP online at this link. If you will be joining us for online worship, the link as always is
Have a blessed day tomorrow and I look forward to us all being connected in worship on Sunday as we begin this joyful season of advent.
God bless,
Pastor Steve