This will be a first for me. In almost 34 years as pastor of this church we've never had an Ash Wednesday service. But a couple of weeks ago I had a strong sense that God is calling us to an intentional season of growth that we are meant to kick off on Ash Wednesday. So I want to extend to you this invitation.
Tonight (or tomorrow night depending on when you get this) will be Ash Wednesday. It marks the beginning of the season of Lent. Lent is the six week period of time leading up to Easter. I believe that we, as Rock Church, are meant to use these six weeks as a time to grow deeper in Christ. I believe God is calling each of us to take up some challenge, some spiritual opportunity, to grow.
We will hold this Ash Wednesday service at our Plaistow location beginning at 6:45 p.m. I would absolutely love for you to join us. We will sing and pray. We will share some ideas of ways we can make this season of Lent a season of growth. And for those who wish, there will be the opportunity to apply ashes as a sign of repentance and of thanksgiving for the sacrifice of Christ.
Historically, many Christians have observed Lent by “giving something up”. But for Rock Church, I believe we are being called to “take something on.” I believe God is calling us to, for a season, invest ourselves in some spiritual practice that will help us draw closer to Christ. I am convinced that if we will take up this challenge, God will use it to help us grow in extraordinary ways. And I believe that when Easter arrives this year it will be the greatest celebration of the resurrection of Jesus that we have ever experienced.
So I want to invite you to take up this challenge. To make this Lenten season a time of real spiritual growth. A time of drawing closer to Christ. A time of becoming deeper in faith. Will you join me?
God Bless,
Pastor Steve