Let the countdown begin. In just over 5 weeks it will be Easter. It's not quite spring yet but you can feel the hints of it. Longer days, warming temperatures and snow banks that give way to mud. I love this time of year. Crocuses begin to push through the frozen soil. We can get out doors again. Grills, lawn furniture and my Miata all come out of winter storage.
But for me, the joy of the season is more than just the warming temperatures and the receding snow. We are in the season of Lent. It is our countdown to Easter. It is a time of spiritual preparation for the celebration of the greatest event in history. In a few short weeks we will celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. From there we will trace Jesus’ Holy week journey through the last supper, his betrayal and the trial. We will grieve his sacrifice upon the cross. and then we will peer into the empty tomb and celebrate his victory over death.
Save the date! For Our Community 2020 will be Saturday May 16.
This countdown to Easter that we call the season of Lent has both an inward and outward focus. Inwardly, this is meant to be a season of growth for us. I pray that each of us will use it as an opportunity to dig deeper into our relationship with Christ. I've encouraged us to take something up for Lent. Take up additional prayer time, immerse yourself in worship music throughout the day, or perhaps increase your time in God's word.
Personally, in addition to my regular morning devotions, I'm taking up a few extra things for Lent. This morning I went by the church early and spent some time in prayer at the altar rail. (Our Sandown and Plaistow buildings will be open for prayer from 6:00 to 9:00 a.m. each Wednesday through Easter.) I've also added some fasting and begin journaling again.
My prayer for all of us is that inwardly we are using this time as a season of growth. But I believe there is also an outward focus. Easter is an excellent time for personal invitation. This is a time when many of our unchurched friends and neighbors are even more open to an invitation to worship. So during this countdown to Easter I would remind us of our ministry-wide initiative for this year: PRAY. INVITE. REPEAT.
I would encourage us to be in prayer every day for those we know and love who do not yet have an active relationship with Jesus. And then, having prayed for them, take the next step and invite them to worship. This Sunday we will continue our series on the real Jesus with a message that is particularly near and dear to my heart, and I am convinced, the heart of Christ. You won't want to miss it.
God Bless,
Pastor Steve