If you had to sum up how you are feeling right now in a single word, what would that word be? I asked that question to a couple of my life groups this week. After six weeks of masks, social distancing, constant hand washing and waiting lines at stores, how are you feeling? I got an incredible variety of responses. Hopeful. Anxious. Exhausted. Bored. Cautiously optimistic. Okay, that's two words. But you get the idea.
What would your word be? My word was serendipity. I'll admit, that's a word we don't use much in conversation. It can be used in different ways. But the simplest definition is “accidental discovery.” Serendipity is when we have the good fortune of discovering something we were not looking for, or were not expecting.
A shout out to all our volunteers who are making our livestream service possible. Here is Kristen behind one of the computers.
When the Corona virus hit, I wasn't sure what to expect. I was not expecting the level of disruption that this has become. I was also not expecting this to become a time of accidental discovery. But that is one of the ways that God seems to be using it, at least for me. So I would like to share with you some of what I am discovering.
I'm discovering that the church can still be the church, even when we cannot gather in person. Despite the many restrictions, we have still found ways to worship, to learn, to serve, to bless others and to extend the love of Christ. I can't begin to tell you how proud I am of our church and the ways we have continued to fulfill our mission in the midst of this crisis.
I've discovered that there is legitimate place for digital expressions of ministry. While we were live streaming prior to Covid, it was a very small part of our overall ministry. Now we are doing both a Sunday and a midweek service online. We are holding meetings digitally (and saving countless hours of travel time.) We have numerous zoom based life groups meeting every week. We are reaching people well beyond our geographic circles and we have people connecting in ways they never did before. Digital ministry is real ministry.
I've also discovered you can teach an old dog new tricks. Prior to this crisis, I'd never led an online service. I had never used zoom. I'd never held a meeting online. I didn't know what Facebook premiere was. The list goes on. Because of Covid I am learning new things I never thought I needed, or wanted, to know. But they have become a blessing to me. And I know that I am not alone in that!
This Covid crisis has caused such suffering, struggle and disruption. But in the midst of it all, I believe God is using it to stretch us, refine us and help us to grow. I am learning and growing in ways I never expected. And I believe God is preparing to use these unexpected discoveries to help us do the work of Christ in ever greater ways in the future.
God Bless,
Pastor Steve