On Saturday we needed to restack a rather large pile of trusses at our Plaistow campus to get them out of direct contact with the ground. The trusses will eventually form the roof of our pavilion. But due to several setbacks (none of our doing) the construction has been delayed. I put out a couple of announcements, hoping we might get a few folks to help. I had heard back from several, so I knew we would have at least some help. I walked out to the pile around 8:50 am. There were already half a dozen people ready to help. By the time 9 a.m. rolled around we were up to almost 20.

Everyone dug right in and at exactly 9:24 a.m. we were all done. What might have taken several hours for a few of us to do was all knocked out in less than half an hour by this amazing group of servants. That is the power of teamwork. Honestly, it was a thing of beauty. There were men and women. There were people there of all ages. There were folks from all three campuses. As all these folks came out to work together on this big task, I couldn't help but see a picture of what the body of Christ is capable of when we pool our time, effort and strength.

I think we have been living through one of the most difficult times the Christian church has seen in decades. But I also believe we are emerging into what could be a time of unparalleled opportunity for the church. The world needs the hope and love of the Gospel more than ever. And I believe God is opening opportunities for us to share Jesus in more effective ways than ever. To be honest, I think I am more excited about the future than I have ever been. (And that's saying something because I am a notoriously optimistic person.) I believe Rock Church has the opportunity to have the greatest impact for the kingdom of God that we have ever had.

But, that will not happen by itself. It is going to take clarity of vision and an uncompromising focus on our mission. It is going to take courage and boldness. But perhaps most of all, it is going to take teamwork. With our combined strength and our faith in Christ, we have the potential within this church family to move mountains. But t fulfill our mission at the highest level, it is going to take a team effort. We need every person's gifts, talents and strengths.

Watching tons of trusses be moved almost effortlessly by this team of people reminded me of the great things we are capable of when we all work together. Are you ready for what God has next? Are you willing to offer your time, talents, gifts and strengths? Are you excited about the great work that God is calling us to? Because I sure am. Let’s go!

I look forward to us all being together this Sunday as we wrap up this powerful series the temple.

Love you all,

Pastor Steve
