I had the most amazing experience last night. I had the privilege of attending the closing session of Rock Church’s Mastering Motherhood. Mastering Motherhood was a new program that we introduced this fall for the first time. I don't mind telling you that we had some apprehension about trying to launch this new initiative in the middle of Covid. But the leadership team and the steering committee for the program felt that this outreach was so needed that we just couldn't wait.
As part of the closing session, before the moms broke up to go to their individual book groups, they were given the opportunity to share a few words about how the program had impacted their lives. As the microphone was passed around from mom to mom, these ladies shared some of the most beautiful and moving stories of how their hearts have been touched and their lives transformed by being part of such a loving and supportive Christian community
What was particularly moving to me was the diversity of the group. They were ladies of different ages and stages of life, and from different backgrounds. But more importantly, there were moms from within our church and there were unchurched moms from the community who had heard about it by invitation or on Facebook. As they shared in their testimonies, being a part of this program allow them to experience the love of Christ in real and tangible ways. It was beautiful to hear the stories shared.
And all the while, as the moms shared how they had found in Mastering Motherhood a place of community, support, friendship and love, I couldn't help but “think this is what the church is meant to be.” Women who, a few months earlier had never met, now used words like “sister” and “family” to describe their relationships with other moms in the group. Women who had been previously isolated, stressed, overwhelmed or discouraged had now experience the hope of Christ in true Christian community.
I share all this for several reasons. First to thank the amazing team of women who made this program possible. Kristen, Christine, Pastor Beth, the steering committee and the rest of the leadership team invested countless hours to make this program possible. I also share this as a plug for the next session which begins January 25th. But thirdly, I share all this to remind us that even in the midst of Covid it is still possible to do great, life-changing ministry. In many ways, the work of the church is more challenging than ever. But it is also more needed than ever. Covid or no Covid, the work of the church of Jesus Christ can, and must, go on! It may take extra effort and a little creativity. But with God, nothing is impossible.
I want to invite you to join us Sunday for worship as we continue our Advent series “God with us.” Then Sunday night we are hosting a fun program, our first-ever outdoor bonfire and carol sing. Join us at 5 p.m. at Rock Church Plaistow and bring some cookies or other goodies to share. The lyrics can be found www.rock-church.org/songs. Men, I want to remind you that we are having our Christmas breakfast this Saturday at 8:30 a.m. at our North Shore campus. God has put a message on my heart that I am eager to share with you. And finally, I want to encourage you to be thinking about who you can invite as your guest for our Christmas Eve candlelight service.
Love you all,
Pastor Steve