With the rate of new Covid cases on a gradual but steady decline, it is definitely time to begin preparing for the relaunch of not only in-person worship, but our ministry as a whole. While much has changed for our culture, and our church, during this time of Covid, there are also things that remain unchanged. There are significant aspects of who we are as Rock Church that continue to be true. In fact, in many ways, Covid has only served to clarify for me the importance of some of our key values and priorities.
A couple of years ago our Rock Church leadership team developed three core value statements. They are intended to be guiding principles that will shape how we will focus our time, energy and resources as a church. As we re-engage in ministry in a post-Covid world, I believe these three statements are more important than ever. So over the next three weeks I am going to focus my blog on these three statements.
This week we begin with core value number one: “Everyone needs Jesus.” I believe, with all that is within me, that Jesus really is who he said He is. He is the way, the truth and the life. He really is the savior of the world and the only hope for humankind. As such, everyone, every person in this world, needs Jesus. That means our friends and our relatives. It means our neighbors and co-workers. It means our kids and our grandkids. It even means those people we don't particularly like or agree with. Everyone needs Jesus.
Congratulations to Pastor Jake and Amanda on the birth of their second son Oliver!
As we relaunch our in-person worship, and our broader ministry, this must be central to all that we do. We must be a beacon to our community, to our region, to our world, that shines the light of Christ. This must be true for us as a church overall and it must be true for us as individuals. So my goal, as we come back together, will be to proclaim the gospel boldly when we are gathered and to equip all of us to share the gospel personally when we are apart.
This is not our only value statement, but it is where it all begins. Faith sharing is at the heart of who we are at Rock Church. It is the foundation that everything else is built upon. Over the next couple of weeks we will talk about two other key value statements. But for this week I would ask you to commit this one to memory: Everyone needs Jesus. And then, in your daily prayers, ask God to reveal to you how you can be a part of that work in your everyday life. And ask God to open doors of opportunity to share the hope of Christ with someone this week.
Have a blessed week. I look forward to us being together in online worship this Sunday. (And don’t miss the welcome. Pastor Jake and Amanda will be there with baby Oliver!)
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Steve