Everyone needs Jesus. Everyone is meant to grow. These are the first two of our core value statements at Rock Church. The third is what actually makes the first two possible. Everyone is gifted to serve. The work of God's Church is built on the foundation of the gifts of the saints. Every one of us is created by God. By his Holy Spirit, God has placed in each one of us certain gifts, talents and abilities. These gifts and abilities were entrusted to us for the work of God's kingdom. We are God's hands and feet in this world. God works in and through each of us.
For the work of Christ, through His church, to be accomplished it takes the combined gifts of every member. The work of Christ in this world is like a great mosaic where every piece is needed for the picture to be complete. Likewise, every person's gifts matter. You have something important to contribute to the work of Christ. Without you, and the gifts and abilities you bring, the church cannot do the work God has called us to in the way that He intends it.
Everyone is Gifted to Serve
As we prepare to relaunch in-person worship and a full post-Covid ministry, one of the priorities will be to help every person find their place of service. Within Rock Church there are many diverse opportunities to serve. We have grouped those opportunities by team. Those teams include hospitality, tech, music and worship, discipleship, prayer, administration, children and youth and facilities. Some of these serving opportunities involve weekly commitments. Others are monthly or even periodic as needed. But they are all important because the work of the church could not happen without them.
With Covid many of our serving areas have been on break. But if we are going to rebuild our ministry, we need to rebuild our serving teams. Some of you had been serving in the past. Going forward, you may want to reconnect in the same area of ministry. Or perhaps God is calling you to serve in a new area. Some of you had not yet found your place of service. Now more than ever we need you. At this link you'll find a description of the various ministry teams followed by a simple form. There is a place on the form for those who have already been serving to let us know you are ready to reconnect. And for those who are just now getting connected, there is a place to let us know what team or teams you would like to know more about.
So much has changed in our world. But these three three things have not changed. Everyone needs Jesus. Everyone is meant to grow. Everyone is gifted to serve. Who will Rock Church be when we finally come through this pandemic? We will be a church that is serious about sharing Jesus. We will be a place where believers can grow deep in their likeness of Christ. And we will be a community of believers where every person’s gifts are treasured, celebrated and engaged in significant ministry.
Holy week is coming soon. We need all hands on deck as we prepare for the future that God has for Rock Church. I pray each of you will take a few minutes now to check out our serving page and consider how God may be calling you to use your gifts.
Have a blessed week. I look forward to us being together in online worship this Sunday.
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Steve