Shortly before Jesus was to lay down his life he shared these words his disciples. "Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." With this metaphor Jesus was trying to help them understand that as hard as it would be for him to leave them, it was for the greater good.
This is Holy week. It is the time that we remember and reflect upon Christ's sacrifice at the cross. The events of this week were difficult and painful at both the physical and emotional level for Jesus and his disciples. But the cross was not inflicted upon Jesus. He chose it. In the garden when he was betrayed, his disciples wanted to fight for him. But Jesus knew that what was to come was for the greater good, that by his sacrifice a way of salvation would be provided for all people. “Unless a seed falls to the ground and dies...”
Jesus chose the cross. He accepted the scorn, the pain and the ultimate sacrifice out of love for us. This week we remember, and give thanks, that we have a God who loves us so much that he would pay so higher price to purchase our redemption. I'd like to make a suggestion, a request really. For the remainder of this week, let's all focus on nothing but Jesus. Let’s think about his sacrifice for us, meditate upon his love. Let’s take the time to remember all that took place this week for us, for you.
To do that I would encourage us to turn off the television news, stop scrolling Facebook and use that time to read our Bibles. A great place to start would be to read John chapters 17-20. Then go back and read the last few chapters of the other Gospels: Luke 22-24, Mark 14-16, Matthew 26-28. Take some extra time in prayer. Immerse yourself in the experience of Holy Week.
Then on Easter, come to worship, in person or online, prepared to truly celebrate the good news of the risen Savior. We cannot fully appreciate the joy of the resurrection without having walked the Via Dolorosa, the way of suffering, with Jesus.
I love you all and I want us to have a blessed and meaningful holy week. So I would ask you to make this sacrifice. Turn off your screens, open your Bible and walk this journey with Jesus.
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Steve
Just a reminder that our Holy Week and Easter services are by registration. Here are the links to register:
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