It's the best of both worlds. This past year has been difficult at so many levels. But the challenges that we have faced have pushed us to grow in ways that did not seem possible a year ago. The extended Covid shut down led our church to dramatically improve and update our online experience. It also gave us time to update our buildings, including the interior renovation our new space for our North Shore campus.
Certainly, 2020 did not go the way any of us expected. But looking back, I believe we not only made the best of a difficult situation, but we built the foundation from which we can more effectively do the work of Christ going forward. I am excited beyond words that we are back to offering in-person worship. But that doesn't mean we will now neglect our online worship. We've worked hard to develop a great online experience that has allowed us to reach people we could not have reached with in-person worship alone.
Pastor Beth leading at our Easter “sunrise” service
So going forward we are going to continue to offer both. In-person worship is awesome. It allows us to experience the presence of the Holy Spirit in a powerful way the comes from God's people being together in physical community. But online worship is also great. It allows us to worship together with people who are geographically distant or are simply not able to be with us in person. It also offers us an amazing tool for outreach. There are many unchurched people who are hesitant to step into a church building for the first time. The online service allows them to experience worship, and hear the good news, in a way they feel safe trying. It really is the best of both worlds.
So for those who are ready to return, in-person worship is on at all locations. And beginning this week, we are going to experiment with no online registration. Just walk into the location of your choice. Because we will not have a sign up, it is important that you do fill out your connection card. For the moment, masks will still be required. And I would ask us to leave space between groups.
If you are not able to return to in-person at this time, we are going to continue to offer outstanding online worship. We've expanded the schedule. Now we will have a 9:00 a.m. service with a live host and then rebroadcast services every hour for the remainder of the day on Sunday.
In the words of the prophet Isaiah “Behold I am doing a new thing…” Going forward Rock Church will continue to offer both great in-person worship and a great online experience. Both are effective ways that we can fulfill our mission to reach and disciple people for Christ. It is the best of both worlds.
I look forward to us being together in person or online this weekend as we begin our new series “Love One Another.”
God bless,
Pastor Steve