Yesterday I did something I haven't done in a long time. I sat by my window and just watched as a storm rolled in. I had been out a few hours earlier and it was nothing but blue skies and blazing sun. But then, as I sat at my desk working, I noticed the skies begin to go dark. I looked out the window and just beyond the church I could see lightning in the distance. Then the wind picked up and the leaves on the trees begin to flip. A few minutes later massive drops began to hit the window. A few at a time at first, but soon the skies would open up.

It was by no means the worst storm I've been through, and it passed relatively quickly. But it got me thinking about the power that can be manifested in a storm. Destructive winds, driving rain, fierce lightning and the crash of its accompanying thunder. In the midst of the wind and rain it struck me that even the worst storms any of us have ever been in still only reflects a fraction of the power of God. I think sometimes we forget what a powerful God we serve. A God that commands the wind and the rain and the lightning. The God who put the stars and the planets in their proper place and who created all life.

We had an awesome Children’s Day on Sunday.  Thank you to everyone who helped make it great.

We had an awesome Children’s Day on Sunday. Thank you to everyone who helped make it great.

I think it is important to sometimes pause and reflect on the power and majesty of God. When we recognize how great a God we serve, it puts within us a holy reverence and awe of God. There is an intimacy with God, a closeness that comes from a daily walk with him. But there is also a greatness of God that is humbling and inspires awe.

But recognizing the power and majesty of God not only inspires awe and reverence. It also inspires confidence, because as Christ followers we recognize that this God of all power and might is “for us.” He is in our corner. He is our rock, refuge and strength. In fact, not only is he for us, but he is in us. If we have welcomed Jesus into our hearts, then the holy Spirit dwells within us. No wonder the apostle Paul said “if God is for us, who can be against us.”

I'm sure over the course of the summer we will see our share of thunderstorms. The next time that happens, pause for a few moments and observe the power of the storm. Then be reminded that our God is infinitely more powerful. Like me, you might even find yourself humming that praise song from years ago “our God is an awesome God.”

Have a blessed weekend and I hope to see you all this Sunday in person or online as we continue our series “Lord teach us to pray.”

I love you all,

Pastor Steve

Note: We would like to celebrate all of our Rock graduates. If you, or you child, is graduating high school or college, please send Lynette an email with the full name, degree and school from which the student is graduating.
