I have to tell you that I am just blown away by some of the exciting opportunities that are coming up in the next 6 weeks or so at Rock Church. So this week I thought I would just take a few minutes to review it all. Honestly, there are so many choices, I just wouldn’t want you to miss out on something great! So buckle your seat belts because here we go.
·ROOTED BEGINS this Sunday, Sept 12. Rooted is more than a Bible Study. It is a discipleship experience. If you are looking for a place to grow deeper in your faith, you will want to check this out. You can get all the info at this link.
·MASTERING MOTHERHOOD begins Tuesday, Sept 14. This is a brand new program we are launching that provides a place of community, support and personal growth for women at any stage of motherhood. It is also intentionally invitational and open to women in the church and community. You can get all the info and sign up at the Mastering Motherhood website at this link.
·ROCK CHOIR. After more than a year apart, Rock Church Choir returns with a potluck on Thursday, Sept 16 at our Plaistow Location. If you are interested in participating or would just like more information, please email Pastor Beth at beth@rock-church.org.
·MEN'S BREAKFAST at our North Shore location Saturday, Sept 18 beginning at 8:30 am. This is a brand new event open to men from all campuses and guests. There will be a great meal, music and a speaker.
· ALIVE women’s one day retreat will be held Saturday, Sept 25. Ladies, we have a great speaker lined up this year that you are not going to want to miss. You can get more info at this link.
· MEN’S SUMMIT will be Oct. 8-10 at Camp Brookwoods in Alton, NH. Guys this is always a great time of community and spiritual growth. You won’t want to miss it. More info at this link.
And believe it or not, there is more. Many of our lifegroups are relaunching this fall. We are expanding our youth and young adult ministries. We have big plans to expand our discipleship ministry. Evangelism opportunities. Mission work. The list goes on.
On top of all of that, we are doing three separate fall kick off events on three consecutive Sundays. We are also staggering the launch of our NextGen at each campus to correspond with the kick off Sundays. Each campus will have special activities. Each will be doing something special with food (It wouldn’t be a kick off party without food!) Below are the dates.
Sunday September 19 Rock Plaistow Fall Kick Off and NextGen launch.
Sunday September 26 Rock Sandown Fall Kick Off and NextGen launch.
Sunday October 3 Rock North Shore Fall Kick Off and NextGen launch.
Can you see now why I am so excited! With so many choices, I know there is something special here for you. Have a blessed day!
Love you all,
Pastor Steve
One last things: This Saturday from 9 to noon there will be a work party at our Sandown campus to prepare the space for the relaunch of Children’s ministry and the start of Mastering Motherhood. Many hands make light work. If you can help for even an hour our two, please feel free to stop by.