January always feels like a quiet month in the life of the church. After the busyness of the holiday season, we are often ready for a few weeks of a slower pace. Add to that, of course the New England winter, compounded this year by the elevated Covid numbers, and we all seem content to just stay in and take it a little easier for a few weeks.

But I want to let you know that some exciting things are coming soon to Rock Church. For example, next Tuesday, January 25 is the kick off of the spring session of Mastering Motherhood. We offered this program for the first time this past fall to rave reviews. Mastering Motherhood provides a place of support and encouragement to moms at all stages of life. Every Tuesday night the group gathers for a shared meal, an opening talk and small group time. If you would like to know more, come to the kickoff meal on Tuesday and check it out. Free childcare is provided. If you have questions, email us at this link.

Guys, I want to also make sure you know about the Chili Cookoff. Since there is no football on February 5th, it seemed like the perfect time to get together for some good food, fellowship and a little friendly competition as we decide who will be awarded “The Rock of all Chilis for 2022!” So men, prepare your best chili and come on down. To register to enter, text or call Jim Morecroft at 978-423-5859 or Jim Connors at 603-530-2162. The winner will be determined by people’s choice, so men and their families are invited to come on Feb. 5 to try them all and vote for your favorite.

Families of middle school and high school students, we have a special invitation for you. After a bit of a hiatus, Youth Group is coming back. We are going to start with one combined group in Plaistow, with the plan of multiplying it to all campuses as soon as we have enough leaders to support the expansion. The new group is going to meet on Wednesday nights from 5:00 to 6:30 pm. On February 16th we are going to launch the program with a family dinner and information night. We invite parents and their middle and high school students to join us to hear more about the program and meet the leaders. If you are able to attend the info night, please let us know by emailing Pastor Steve so we can plan for food.

I know that is already a lot, but there is still more! On Monday, January 31 is our next women’s GROW! Ladies we would love to have you join us beginning at 6:00 pm for a light meal followed by the program at 7:00 pm. Choir is coming back together Thurs, January 27 at 7:15 pm at our Sandown Campus. For more information or to sign up, please contact Pastor Beth. Coming up in February we will be hosting an ABC Debt-Free 2 week mini course teaching a Biblical pathway to financial freedom. You can see more about that in the newsletter. Of course, Rock Kids children’s ministry is back in full swing. We have a number of new and returning lifegroups back up and running. There is something for everyone.

So, early January has been a little quiet, but there is a ton of great opportunities coming soon! And of course, on Sunday morning we are continuing our series “New Beginning.” This is an exciting time in the life of Rock Church. I would invite you to find your place to get connected.

Have a great week! Love you all.

Pastor Steve
