In my blog last week I was celebrating the growth we have seen this Fall in our Mastering Motherhood program. Just a year ago this was a brand new outreach for Rock Church. Now we are up to approximately 50 ladies each week participating. At the very end I mentioned that Julie and I were preparing dinner for the group this week and I would let you know how it goes. Well…first I have to be honest in saying that preparing dinner for 50 is a big job and we were preparing for several hours.

But when we got to the Sandown Campus and actually got to share what we had prepared, it was awesome. As the ladies arrived, many of whom were coming from long, hard and busy days, it brought joy to our hearts to be able to serve them. As we watched the moms get to enjoy an evening of great fellowship, support and encouragement, I was so grateful that we had the opportunity to be a small part of making that ministry possible.

Honestly, during the prep time, I couldn’t help but think “This is hard work!” But when it came time to share the meal, all I could think about was what a gift it was to see the ladies enjoying the dinner. As I was reflecting on the evening, something struck me. Many of the best things in life require hard work. They require an investment of time and energy. Often, at first a task can seem daunting. I may find myself tempted to shy away from it. But the truth is, those things that require the greater effort are also the things that bring the greatest dividend, and the greatest joy. It was work to prepare the meal. But the joy that we felt in blessing others in that way far exceeded the investment of effort required.

The whole experience just reminded me anew that it is good to do hard things, particularly in the work of Christ. It can be sacrificial at the front end, but the blessing that comes from it are always worth the effort. What is God calling you to do that may seem daunting at first? My encouragement is to do the hard things. This is where the greatest blessings are found.

BTW, if anyone would like to prepare a meal for Mastering Motherhood, I believe there are a few dates still available during this session. Just email Kristen and let her know you may be interested in helping.

Love you all,

God Bless,

Pastor Steve

BTW, this Sunday at all campuses we are launching a brand new discipleship teaching series entitled “God is . . .” How would you complete that sentence? How we respond has much to teach us about the nature of God. I look forward to us all being together this Sunday as we launch into this important new series.

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