I have to be honest, until a couple of months ago I did give a lot of thought to the country of Ukraine. But the unsolicited aggression that has ravished their country in recent weeks has put this nation and its people near the top of my prayer list. The daily images of destruction and death are heartbreaking.

The combination of the nightly news, social media and other online accounts have made this crisis in Ukraine so highly visible that we can't help but think about it. Personally, I have found myself responding in three ways. First and foremost in prayer. Everyday I pray for this country and its people. I don't personally know anyone in Ukraine, but they are human beings, some of whom have been displaced from their homes and separated from their families. Some have lost loved ones, while others have seen their homes destroyed and their livelihoods erased. I would encourage all of us continue to keep them in prayer for comfort and strength, and for an end to the aggression.

As we see the pain and suffering this crisis has brought about, I find it also gives me perspective. We all have our daily struggles and I am certainly no exception. But lately when I am facing one of my “first world problems” I can't help but think about what the people of Ukraine are going through. It not only gives me a heart of compassion for them, but it helps me to keep my own struggles in perspective. The intent is not to minimize the struggles that any of us may go through, but it does help me to see how incredibly blessed I am, even on the days that are hard.

The third response I find emerging within myself is a desire to help. Because this humanitarian crisis is unfolding halfway across the world, it is difficult to do much of anything in a hands-on way. But we can support the relief efforts financially. In that area, I actually have some exciting news to share. We have had an anonymous donor offer a $10,000 matching gift. So any donations made for the relief efforts in Ukraine through Rock Church will be matched dollar-for-dollar, allowing our individual gifts to have doubled the impact. I'm excited to announce that this past Sunday we already raised over $2,500 from the special offering and through the connection cards. But you can still get in on the matching Grant by donating online at www.Rockgiving.org (click the egiving link, look for the Ukraine line.) We will also continue the special offering at church this Sunday.

So I would ask us to continue to pray for the people of Ukraine and to share as we are able in the relief efforts. I also want to share a couple of other quick reminders. Friday evening we will hold a prayer service at 7 p.m. at our Plaistow campus. These Friday night prayer times are open to all so I hope you will join us if you can. Also, don't forget to turn your clocks ahead one hour on Saturday night!

Love you all,


Pastor Steve 
