I was re-reading the Book of Revelation recently to prepare for a session of the Bible 101 class. In chapters 2 and 3 there are seven letters written to seven churches. The letters are a combination of encouragement and admonition. To the Church of Sardis God gave this message, “I know your deeds; you have a reputation for being alive, but you are dead.” I'm sure those were hard words to hear, but God was saying something important to them, and ultimately to us. This was a church that looked vibrant and alive on the outside, but on the inside was not.

We are living in a time when it is very easy to put on a façade. Particularly with social media, we can easily give an outward appearance of spiritual vitality but inwardly our heart is not there. I think in this letter to Sardis, John is cautioning us against a faith that is only outward. And he is reminding us that God sees and knows the true state of our heart. Human beings see what is on the outside, but God sees what is inside.

And so I think the application for us is to not worry so much about what people see, but to give considerable attention to what God sees. I think it is okay that the world sees our imperfect faith, believers in Christ who do not always get it right. In fact, I think that is helpful. It allows our unchurch friends to see that we don't have to have it all together in order to be a follower of Christ. Our outward impression doesn't have to be perfect. But what really matters is what is happening on the inside. What matters is that God sees a sincere heart that is truly seeking him, a heart that loves him even in our imperfections. We all want to be good witnesses. But faith is not façade. It is the true state of our hearts. It is who we are on the inside. Ultimately, I would encourage us to live our lives for audience of one.

Before I sign off I want to remind us of a couple things. For any who are not yet members of Rock Church, there will be a membership class this Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. It will be hybrid (in-person and online.) You are welcome to attend in person at my house (next door to Rock Church Plaistow) or on Zoom. To sign up for either, please email Lynette. Also, on June 5th will be offering an opportunity for baptism. Baptisms will be celebrated as a part of worship at our Plaistow location. If you would like more information, please see your newsletter and contact Lynette

I pray you have a blessed week. I can't wait to be back together to continue our relationship series “This is Us” this Sunday. I love you all.

Pastor Steve
