In my prayer time this morning I was reflecting on how God leads us through seasons of life. From childhood to teens to young adult years. For some there will be a season of early married life, for others life as a single adult. There will be seasons invested in discovering our calling and building our careers. For some, there will be child-rearing. They will be seasons of blessing and there will be seasons of struggle. But through it all, God is with us.

Sometimes I find myself reflecting on earlier seasons of life. This Saturday would have been Nicole's birthday. Special days have this way of reminding us of the past seasons. And there is always a part of us the longs for what was and laments its passing. But I believe every season is a gift from God. And so I try to be thankful for the seasons that are past and embrace the new season that is to come.

Even as a church we go through seasons. Seasons of busyness and seasons of rest. Seasons of blessing and seasons of struggle. Sometimes people move on and then God brings new people into our community. Some ministries end and new ministries emerge. And while our human tendency is to lament change, I would encourage us to be thankful for what was and to joyfully embrace what is to come. I believe that as wonderful as some of our past seasons have been, God has even greater things in store for us in the future. The best is yet to come.

I don't know what season you are going through. You may be in one of those times of having to let go of something of the past in order to embrace the future God has for you. To be honest, that is where I am in my own life. And I believe that is where we are as a church. We are entering a new season of life and ministry. In my personal life, I'm finding myself both grateful for the past and excited for the future. And for our church, I feel the same way. I'm grateful for the seasons of ministry we have enjoyed in the past and I am excited about what God is preparing for our future.

We don't always get to choose the changes that come in our lives. But we can choose how we respond to them. We can live with closed hands, desperately trying to hold on to the past. Or we can live with open hands, prepare to receive with joy whatever God has for us in the next season. I would encourage the latter.

Have a blessed day and I look forward to us being together this Sunday as we wrap up our relationship series “This Is Us.”

Love you all.

P. Steve
