As many of you know, I have recently returned from an extended renewal leave. Since coming back, there are two questions that I seem to hear most commonly. The first is “how was you leave?” The second is “how does it feel to be back?”

To answer the first question, the leave was wonderful. It was a time of rest and renewal. It was a blessing to have the time to pour into my marriage and family. It was a time of reflection on my calling and what the next season of ministry might look like. It was an opportunity to visit many other churches and see how God is at work in other areas of His kingdom. It was wonderful to see so many different expressions of worship and ministry . God is doing great work in many, many places in our world. 

How was coming back? It was like a homecoming. I can't begin to tell you how much I missed all of you and how wonderful it was to have the opportunity to begin to reconnect. This past Sunday we were in Sandown and North Shore. This coming Sunday we look forward to being at both services in Plaistow. Being away from Rock Church for a time helped to remind me what a wonderful gift we have in this faith community. And, as much as I loved worshiping in other churches, for me it just didn't quite compare to worshiping at home at the Rock.

There may be some of you who are reading this who have also been away for a time. Sometimes the busyness of life crowds out our time for worship. I want to remind you that no matter how long you been away, there is always a place for you in the family of God. There is always a warm welcome awaiting you when you return.

The same is true of our walk with Christ. Sometimes the circumstances of life will cause us to drift away from our daily walk with God. Perhaps you have not been as close in your relationship with Christ as you used to be. Maybe you haven't had as much time for prayer and scripture. But remember that like the Prodigal Son, God is always waiting with open arms. He is always ready to welcome us home when we are ready to return to him.

I'm praying for some of you who have been distant from God, or perhaps from the church, that this will be the week to reconnect. If you have not been walking closely with Christ, I pray that today you would renew that journey. And if it's been a while since you were in worship, I'm praying that this Sunday will be your homecoming. May it be your time to reconnect to the family of God and to experience again the joy of worshiping Christ in community.

    I love you all and I look forward to seeing you in the weeks ahead.

Pastor Steve