This coming Sunday we are launching a new teaching series entitled “In Christ Alone.” And I would like to declare this a BYOB Sunday. Now I know what you're all thinking, Pastor Steve has lost it! But I'm serious. This Sunday I would like you to bring your own Bible to church with you. In this series we're going to dig into the book of Colossians, where Paul spends a significant amount of time teaching on Christology.

Christology is a theological study of the nature and purpose of Christ. So in this series we are going to work section by section, in some areas verse by verse, through Paul's teachings in a way that will help us understand it at a deeper level. We will dig into the nature of Christ and avoid some of the heresies and misunderstandings that many people have had about Jesus.

So, the reason I want you to BYOB is so that as we explore Paul's teaching, we can have the verses right in front of us. You can do this in a couple of different ways. Some people prefer to read and study scripture from a print Bible. I'll be honest, I'm a little bit old school in this area, and I still prefer to read from my printed Bible. I like to be able to underline verses that speak to me in a special way. I like to write notes in the margins.

But there are also those who prefer to use a digital version of the Bible. You can read your Bible right on your phone, iPad or tablet. I know there are ways to also mark up your digital Bible. You can highlight passages, take notes, cross reference and more. I know folks who have set it up so the verses they highlight go out to their social media feed, allowing them to begin spiritual conversations with others. This can also be a great resource.

So whether it is in print or a digital format, I would encourage you to BYOB this Sunday and every week through the month of November. You might find it so helpful that you decide to continue to BYOB going forward. And by the way, if you don’t have a Bible, we will have some to give away at each campus. Just stop by the table and pick on up.

I’m very excited about this new series. I know you are going to love digging deeper into the Word of God as we grow in our understanding of the nature and purpose of Christ.

See you Sunday!

Love you all,

Pastor Steve

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