Based on the frost on the ground this morning it seems a little hard to believe, but Holy Week is nearly upon us. Holy Week takes us on a journey with Christ through the final week of his life. It begins with his triumphal entry into Jerusalem that we celebrate in worship this weekend as Palm Sunday. As Jesus entered Jerusalem, he sets in motion a series of important events that would ultimately lead to the cross.

The emotional highs and lows of this week are so extreme that it seems hard to imagine they take place within a few days of one another. On Sunday, he would ride into the holy city to the shouts of praise and acclamation of a massive crowd. By all appearances, everyone loved him. They took the coats off their backs and cut branches from the trees to create a red carpet welcome. They cheered him as the long awaited savior. He arrived like a conquering hero.

Unfortunately, the shouts of Hosanna would be short lived. It would not be long before the impressionable crowd would be easily swayed to cry out for his death. From the high of Palm Sunday, Jesus would soon be sharing his final meal with his disciples before facing his arrest, trial and crucifixion. But of course, the good news of our faith is that death would not have the last word. On what we call Easter Sunday, the empty tomb would declare the good news of our risen savior.

Holy Week is the most spiritually significant week of the year for us as Christians. So I want to encourage us to begin now to prepare our hearts for this important time. I hope we will all be together this Sunday in worship as we celebrate Palm Sunday. Then on the Thursday of Holy Week we will have a Maundy Thursday service where we will celebrate communion as we commemorate Jesus last supper, his betrayal and arrest. On Good Friday we will hold a special service that leads us through Christ's sacrifice at the cross. The Maundy Thursday service will be offered at our Sandown campus at 6:30 p.m. The Good Friday service will be at our North Shore campus at 7:00 p.m. These services are open to everyone in our church and community.

The truth is, we can never fully appreciate the victory of the cross if we have not also walked with Jesus through the struggle and sacrifice of Holy Week. So I want to invite you to set aside the time to join us for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. I would also encourage us to take extra time each day of Holy Week for scripture and prayer. I would not want us to miss the spiritual significance of this important time. It is a time to deepen our faith and grow stronger in Christ.

I look forward to us all being together this weekend as we complete our series The Gospel and celebrate Palm Sunday.

Love you all,


Pastor Steve
