It has been an emotional week at our house. Our son Clifton left for Air Force basic training this week. We were very busy with some special family outings, a going away party and lots of little details to prepare. Both his workplace and the fire station had going away events (Clifton was a Lt. in the Plaistow Junior Fire Fighters program). Then there was the final check in with his recruiter before taking him up to the Portland Maine MEPS center. There was an overnight in the hotel, a swearing in and then a flight to Texas.

It has definitely been a week of mixed emotion. We are, of course, sad to see him leave home. But at the same time, we are excited for all the possibilities that the future holds for him. And we are proud of him for being willing to leave the comfort of what is known to embrace an unknown future that is ripe with potential as he sets out to serve his nation.

I think God does amazing things in our lives when we are willing to step out in faith into unknown territory. To leave behind what is familiar is always uncomfortable and often hard. But what I have discovered is that these are the times when we are drawn closer to God. When we feel like we have everything under control, it is very easy to slip into a pattern of trusting in ourselves. But when we journey into unfamiliar places, we need God’s guiding hand to lead us through.

As a church family, we are going through some transitions, and it feels like we are entering unfamiliar territory. But these are the times when we can be drawn closer to God, trusting him to lead us through. While it may feel uncomfortable, we have nothing to fear. God is with us. Jesus promises he will never leave or forsake us. Even when we are not sure where the path is leading, God already knows. And God has a great future for us. In one of my favorite scripture verses the prophet Jeremiah writes “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.’”

As we go through a season of change, let us never forget that God is in control and he has a great future planned for us. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for Rock Church in the days ahead.

Have a blessed week.

I love you all,

Pastor Steve
