Happy Tuesday, St. Matthews!
One of my favorite Bible verses is John 14:6 where Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” When Pastor Steve asked me to write this weekly blog for St. Matthews, I tried desperately to think up a name that was interesting and compelling. You know, something that would make you want to read it every week. I have to admit that I was a little envious of our other pastors who had great names for their blogs. Pastor Steve –“On this Rock” -- Pastor Rachel – “Love. Grow. Serve with Pastor Rachel” -- Pastor Jon – “Plaistow Junction with PJ.” In comparison all I could come up with at the time was a pathetic “A message from Pastor Frank.” (It’s OK to pause and yawn.) As I thought about it this week, our Lord reminded me of His words that He is “The Way! The Truth! The Life!” Words I believe that we should be reminded of daily. As we go forward, we’ll talk more about those powerful nouns (my high school English teacher would be ecstatic that after all these years I still remember the parts of speech she tried so desperately to teach me) and we will reflect on Christ’s compelling words that “no one comes to the Father except through me.” For now, just remember that Jesus is: The Way! The Truth! The Life!
This Sunday we’re going to start a new sermon series and will be doing something a little different -- we’ll be working our way through the epistle of James, verse by verse. James is one of my favorite books because its message is a valid for us today as it was when it was written to Jewish Christians more than 2,000 years ago. It is full of practical advice for living the Christian life. James helps us to understand “how to” live in times of trial and difficulties … just like the times we’re living in right now. I would encourage you to bring your Bibles with you as you may want to take notes as we go along. I promise you it will be a great series.
Have you visited our website recently? It is chocked full of helpful, useful information. You can even read the “blogs” from our other pastors. From the home page, click “Member Central” and scroll down to the blog section. Starting last week we also began posting the St. Matthew’s worship service under “Teaching Series.” Now if you miss the St. Matts service, or just want to share it with your friends, it is available on the website. The St. Matts service is also broadcast on Sandown’s local access channel as well as livestreamed and on Facebook. Thank you Pastor Lee!
Special thanks to Jen Johnston for the delicious treats last Sunday morning. If you would like to share the love with our church family, please get on the schedule by emailing Kristen Gondolfo.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Frank