Several years ago I was driving in the Callahan Tunnel in Boston with Sherry when my GPS told me to take an immediate right. Only problem was there wasn’t an exit, it was a cement wall. The obvious lesson -- we need to be careful what and who we listen to.
In contrast, after the Last Supper Jesus tells the disciples that He is going away but that they shouldn’t be afraid, that it’s OK. He then tells them that they know the place where He is going. Thomas immediately objects that they don’t have any idea where Jesus is going or what He’s talking about. To which Jesus replies, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” This is one of the most basic but important passages in the Bible. Jesus is saying that He is the way to God. As one Biblical commentary states it, “as the way, Jesus is our path … as the truth, Jesus is the reality of all God’s promises … as the life, Jesus is our very existence – both now and for all eternity. Some would have us believe that it doesn’t matter what we believe as long as we are sincere in our beliefs. But, that isn’t what the Gospel teaches. Jesus said that He is, “the way, the truth and the life!” When we fail to listen to Jesus, it’s like driving in the Callahan Tunnel and taking a turn into a cement wall. Just saying!
Texas Mission Trip -- We’re ready to head for Texas in three weeks to help rebuild a Christian youth camp. Thanks to all those who have volunteered to get up at 4 a.m. on February 25 to drive us to the airport but we still need more one vehicle. If you can help, please let me know ASAP as it is a long walk with all our gear … 48.4 miles to be exact!
Update on our building project-- Thanks to your generosity, we have raised more than 75% of the money needed to buy 2X4’s to frame the lower level. Folks have asked what the footprint will look like. Essentially it will be one large meeting room, additional bathrooms, a shower and a kitchenette. For emergencies, it will also include a generator so if the power goes out at your home, you – and the community -- can actually live at the church with heat, hot water and the love of Christ! Sounds like a project worth supporting.
Welcome to the Real World -- We began a new sermon series last week on the study of James which helps us to understand how to live the Christian life in 2017. The key point from last week’s message was that we should consider it all joy when we face trials and difficulties in our lives because they help us develop perseverance. Having stood the test, James tells us that we will receive the Crown of Life. If you missed it, the message, from both St. Matts and The Rock, is available on our website This week we’ll be talking about how religion is not based on what we say, but on how we act and live. Join us Sunday at 8:45. We’ll be blessed to have the choir with us this week!
Pastor Frank