Dear Friends,
Shortly after the passing of Billy Graham, Kathie Lee Gifford was being interviewed on the Today Show. In the interview Kathie had the opportunity to reflect on her own Christian faith. “People ask me why I am so bold about my faith. If you had the cure for cancer, would you keep it quiet? Would you hold it, keep it a secret?” You and I have been the recipients of the greatest gift anyone has ever received. Someone shared Jesus with us, and it changed our lives.
Have you dug out your Joyful Easter sign and put it back where it can be seen?
I wouldn’t be surprised if people are saying of me from time to time “Why is always talking about inviting? Why all the attention given to outreach?” Here’s why. I know in my heart that Jesus Christ really is the way, the truth and the life. Not only do we have the hope of eternal life through our faith in Jesus, but we have the promise that he will walk with us through all of this life. I can’t even put words to what a precious gift that is. And yet I realize that there are people all around us who do not know that hope, who do not have that gift. When we have something so precious, how can we not share it?
So, without apology or hesitation, I want to encourage everyone one of us to be a part of our Easter Outreach. Pray for those around us who do not know Jesus. Extend a personal invitation. Help out at an egg hunt. Send or hand deliver a post card. Get on the social media team so you can help us extend the invitation in that way. Put up a lawn sign. Help with hospitality. You can see more information about how to connect on these in my post from earlier this week at this link.
The good news of the resurrection of Jesus that we will celebrate on Easter morning is too precious to keep to ourselves. One of the very effective ways that we can share that good news with others it to simply invite them to join us for our Easter Celebration. Let’s make the most of this opportunity.
God Bless,
Pastor Steve